Industries & applications

Aerovent has been known for providing high quality fans for the agricultural industry for more than 60 years. Our fans are used in a wide variety of agricultural applications: Panel Fans for applications such as raw vegetable (potatoes and onions) storage, Vaneaxial and Mixed Flow Fans for grain (corn and wheat) drying and conditioning, heavy-duty Tubeaxial Fans for deep freezing piles of unprocessed sugar beets, Plenum Fans for low temperature warehouse storage of packaged food products, Air Make-Up Units for poultry and meat processing plants and Vaneaxial Towers for the cryogenic flash freezing of an assortment of dairy products, meats and vegetables.
Typical Applications:
– Raw Product Storage
– Flash Freezing
– Low Temperature Product Warehousing
– Grain Drying
– Grain Bin Aeration
– Sugar Beet Preservation
– Feed Mill Pneumatic Grain Conveying Systems