Industries & Applications

Air Make-Up
Air Make-Up Units (AMUs) are Air Handling Units that provide 100% outside air to a building. When air is exhausted from a building it needs to be replaced at the same rate. AMUs are designed to replace the exhausted air with filtered outside air and often use direct or indirect heaters to temper the air before it is supplied to the building. Direct-fired heating units are very popular, as they are typically 20% to 40% more efficient than indirect models. Traditionally, forward curved (FC) fans are used in AMUs, due to the low static pressure requirements and the lower cost of these fans. As a leading supplier of fans used in these Air Make-Up Units, Aerovent can manufacture our products to meet our customer’s exact specifications.
Typical Applications:
– Drying, Baking or Curing Ovens
– Dust Collector
– Fume Exhaust
– Glass Manufacturing
– Industrial Manufacturing
– Oven Exhaust
– Paint Spray Booth